Scaena! and DGarretson,
Thanks. Soooo, the MP player DAC is indeed completed and has been evaluated/listened to? I guess I thought it was still in planning/development stages. Has anyone gotten a handle on what the DAC compares with (i.e does it hold up to the Behold and other DACs it's been wed to)? I'm just trying to understand what part of this reported sonic revelation is the MP transport/software and what part is the internal DAC or the very hi-end DACs it's been seen with.
Thanks. Soooo, the MP player DAC is indeed completed and has been evaluated/listened to? I guess I thought it was still in planning/development stages. Has anyone gotten a handle on what the DAC compares with (i.e does it hold up to the Behold and other DACs it's been wed to)? I'm just trying to understand what part of this reported sonic revelation is the MP transport/software and what part is the internal DAC or the very hi-end DACs it's been seen with.