Best streamer for a returning audio guy

Hello, hope you all can help. My question is what is the most reasonable streamer to try in my system to see if it works for me? 
  A little background is in order . I’m an older gentleman, who was into audio years ago. I’m currently rebuilding my system with newer technology. I have significant older components. Such as Adcom separates, ( not currently using), Yamaha reciever rxa 2000 as a preamp, Rotel amp driving center speaker and rears, crown class d driving main speakers, I have many speaker choices. Currently using Kef 105/2 as mains ( have Martin Logan’s as well) , Martin logan cinema as center, Martin Logan’s a rear surround. All interconnects and speaker wires are morrow audio. 
 I am / was old school with over 1500 vinyl album’s from years of collecting. About 100 cds. One interesting note, this rebirth of my interest in audio came with my wife giving me a turntable for Christmas several years ago. Finally joked it up and after 30 years I was hooked again!!!

  On to my question, it appears that almost everyone is now streaming their music. Ok, I understand the concept ( have Sirius in the car) . What is the best unit to try this out. Can’t break the bank, used is ok, actually preferred. Any outlet advice would be appreciated. 
  I’m working to eventually get to the level of most of you. I have visited my local real hi fi store and have heard the”great” components and eventually I’ll get there. Thanks, and looking forward to your replies. Twodogs112.



I can afford whatever I wish to buy, if I so choose. A simple question for you, how many Rolex watches do you own? I have 3. In addition to a collection of fine timepieces you probably could only dream of.

I wouldn’t put a Rolex on my wrist if you gave it to me for free. And I have better things to do than dream about pricey watches.

Twodogs, you have another vote here for the latest Node as a great place to start. The sound quality is good out of the box without an external DAC, and the price is a relative bargain for what you get. 

Another thing to consider is which streaming service you want to use. Tidal has a great interface and plenty of hi-res choices, but its MQA format is viewed by some as inferior to other hi-res options. Qobuz and Amazon Music HD offer hi-res in larger file formats that might lead to more lag or buffering. And I've also read and heard plenty of opinions that streaming anything more than CD quality doesn't result in much improvement to SQ. Just another detail to obsess over for a while...


Bluesound Node hard wired. Very stable and user friendly app. Get an external DAC if you want to upgrade the sound later 😉 

And I’ve also read and heard plenty of opinions that streaming anything more than CD quality doesn’t result in much improvement to SQ.

I’d like to know where you heard/read that because I couldn’t disagree more. Switching back and forth between high-res and CD quality recordings on Qobuz (I had Tidal and much prefer Qobuz that avoids the overly intrusive and limiting MQA BS and all its unfolding crap) reveals the high-res versions to be much more refined with better tonality and much less edgy or brittle sounding. Put another way, high-res just sounds less “digital” in all the good ways. Just my experience FWIW.

Cleeds, I understand your reluctance of owning  a “pricey watch”. However you missed the point. Over many years I learned to respect a person’s interests. After all who needs jewelry? You can’t eat it, sell it, drive it, hear it, etc. I get it. Individuals love their hi fi, others their cars, some have houses, some have boats, on and on. 
  The point was/is I appreciate fine craftsmanship and function. If you wear a Apple Watch that’s great, I do to. I would like to have exceptional equipment like most of you. I’ll get there, but only if it sounds good to me. 
  Above all I learned in life, never judge anyone. I have had clients that drove rusted out pick up trucks purchase $100k pieces of fine jewelry. After I got to know them, I found out that they raised race horses, for tracks like the Kentucky derby. So, I don’t judge anyone, except for their actions. 

  Remember, everyone starts somewhere. To some Adcom is their holy grail. To others mark levenson or prima Luna. To each his own.
  Thanks to all those who have been helpful. I’ll take your suggestions to heart.