Niagara 5000 Vs Torus RM20 or PS Audio Power Plant 12

After upgrading my power cords, speaker wire, and adding a USB Reclocker, my system has become more highly resolving and I’ve become extremely sensitive to fluctuations in the quality of power.  After midnight, my system becomes insanely revealing, holographic, and unconstrained.  During the day, not so much.  I am wanting my system to sound like it does after midnight, all the time!  

My dealer loaned me their Niagara 5000, along with an older NRG-1000 20A cord to power it.  Remember I’m using a Dragon high current to my amp.

Results - love what it does to bass and overall drive, but compared to that “after midnight” totally unconstrained free-flowing sound with my amp plugged into the wall, with the Niagara 5000 powered by the old NRG-1000 cord, I found the mids and upper frequencies to be constrained.  Not terrible, but not like that glorious sound I get late at night.

I’m thinking / hoping that if I were to power the Niagara 5000 with a Dragon High Current, then maybe the mids and uppers won’t be so constrained?  Any thoughts on this?  The NRG-1000 is a far lower end cord vs the Dragon.

Also wondering how a Torus RM 20 or a PS Audio Power Plant 20 would compare. Not sure if I would be able to demo either of these however…



IMO the PS Audio PowerPlant P12 is out as it is fan cooled at the bottom. Pick it up and look at the underside. Those fans make noise. The PowerPlant P20 on the jther hand is very good and is passively cooled. No fans. 

i've had torus and ps audio...torus did nothing, ps audio made things worse...wish this review was available years ago



@gwng8 , maybe you have good clean power, making conditioning unnecessary, and making the Torus do nothing?  

I can tell my power is clean after midnight, my system becomes downright holographic.  If adding a Torus did nothing to my sound when the power is clean, I’d be fine with that.  I’m trying to get to a point where I get that post-midnight sound any time of day… Seriously, the sound I get at night just makes me want to listen to stuff endlessly - everything I throw at my system sounds so detailed and engaging, and the soundstage just unfurls in every direction.  I can even hear the difference at lower volumes, which is needed in those hours.  It’s amazing but also I will be disappointed if I can’t find a way to make my system perform like this consistently!  As someone else said, this is the price of upgrading my system to be this resolving.  I definitely didn’t notice this difference until I got my Valhalla 2 speaker cables.  At first, I thought that maybe my first impressions of the Valhalla 2’s were overblown when I listened to them a second time.  But quickly realized the pattern of increased performance late at night.  By far the worst time is just before and during dinner time.

@gwng8 , just finished watching that video you linked - thanks for that, I enjoyed it. Good perspective. Without being an electrical engineer myself I do wonder if there are other ways of testing/sampling etc that might yield different conclusions.

If this dude is to be believed and all conditioners / regenerators are useless as proven by his measurements, then I am simply doomed to having poorer sound during the day! Or maybe I need to go back to my less resolving speaker cables and live in blissful ignorance….

If I’m ever buying a new home in the future, I can see myself saying to the realtor “Yes but what is the total harmonic distortion coming in on the AC lines”….



Yes, but those are technical measurements with some being out of the range of human hearing. Although measurable distortion readings, these readings may not be audible. I believe that if anyone has noticeable power fluctuations which impact the audio component negatively that power regeneration is a must, no matter the manufacturer. I agree bout the fan noise on the PS12…Get a used P10 or opt for the new P15 or  P20 f you want to go the PS audio route with no fan noise. 

To reduce AC distortion on the main lines use the Environmental Potential EP2050 surge, spike and line noise eliminator. This is an industrial originated product used in commercial industry, hospitals, server farms, large manufacturing facilities…it elIminates nasty line noise which degrade sensitive electronics over time. It’s about 1k. Your electrician can easily install into the electrical panel if you have two 120 volts slots free next to each other.