Can moving wire location at circuit breaker reduce hum?

The power line going into my music room will oftentimes make the amps’ transformers hum.  I’ve tried many things but have had no luck.  If I take any component that’s humming into a different room run on a different circuit breaker, the hum disappears.

Would swapping out the wires that go into the two separate rooms at the breaker make any difference?  Or is it more likely that one of the outlets on the circuit that goes into my music room is somehow miswired and is causing the hum?  I can unplug everything from the circuit except for my amp and it still hums.

Any suggestions on what I might be able to do short of hiring someone to run a dedicated line?




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     A lot of pro (instrument) amps have phase-reverse switches, to deal with hum issues, on stage.

     Those suggestions on the outlet wiring tester, to me, would be a good/basic place to start.

     Hots of all outlets in the room, on the same leg, in the panel/breaker box?

                                                    My 2 cents.


Thinking back over 25 years ago I had a client with top of the line Melos gear. Had the same hum issue and voltage on a line it turned out to be a coax cable hooked to a piece of gear connected to the preamp. Tom

Thanks, everyone, for your input.  I’ll pick up the tester on Amazon.

I have shut off the circuit that goes into my music room and went around testing the outlets all around it to see which ones are dead.  I’m guessing the receptacles would be in the same general area so I didn’t go to every receptacle in my house.

I’ve then disconnected everything except the amp and it’ll still hum.  I’ve had numerous electronic components hum in this particular room.  In the room just next door, dead quiet.