Horn speakers are really bright?

So I’m trying to understand why so many people think klipsch or horn speakers are bright 

I have two  set up garage and living room both with horn speakers EPIC CF4 garage and and KLF 30 mahogany living room  

I have recorded this songs with my iPhone  listen to them and feel free to tell me what you don’t like about them
 by the way I don’t have any room treatment



I listened to both versions twice, but of course it's hard to tell on computer speakers, almost a joke. I did perceive a difference though. The original presented the vocal as slightly softer and more diffuse while the new driver seemed a bit more sharply focused. 

I'm curious as to why you chose that driver as I see that many that modify the Epics use an older Electro Voice compression driver. Had you considered that also?


this new horn drivers don’t require any modifications 

Electro Voice compression need a lot of work to make it fit including bracing take all the woofers crossover and everything out little too much for me especially with two years old twins around me 95% of the time 😂😂😂

this B&C was recommended by a friend who try it and blow his mind 

the changes from original to B&C is bigger than any DAC , cables, PC and AMPS i have try with the exception of my Moon P8 Preamp 

With Moon P8 and W8 I hear zero  noise from tweeters with my ears touching it lol 

I have own  McIntosh C52  Michi P5 Parasound JC2 P6 Hint6 ROTEL RC1590 Classe CP800 SSP800 and more still P8 is my favorite Michi P5 ROTEL 1590 is worse Preamp ever owned 

I am going to have my Viking Acoustic Grande Voix Dual horn updated in a couple of weeks to include new drivers, Super tweeters, and caps.  I should do a before and after video,  

That is very interesting lordrootman. I have read on other Epic mod threads about changing to the Electro Voice compression driver, and although I knew that it needed additional bracing, I never heard anyone say that they altered the crossover, even Moray James, the king of Epic mods.