Homage to those who are pleased with your audio rig


I am now pleased with my two audio systems. I am enjoying the music. Both are, by most measures, humble audio rigs but.... I am enjoying the music.

It’s all tubes and digital in one system and SS and digital in the other, have not gotten back into albums. Parasound Amp, Schiit Preamp, Schiit DAC, Sony CD player, Bluesound Node 2, Vandersteen speakers with Rythmik Subwoofer one rig, Line Magnetic integrated tube amp, Rega CD player, Schiit DAC, Bluesound Vault and Tekton Double Impack SE speakers in rig 2.

Please tell us all, how did you get there? Are you still working at it? Care to tell us what equipment your using? Simple rig? Are you enjoying the music?

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Just this morning, I was listening to the Bill Charlap Trio and smiling at the sound.


I rearranged my setup so I could plug the integrated into a separate outlet, and not in the power conditioner. To soon to tell, but I really like what I’m hearing. 


I am extremely pleased with my audio system and have been for years. Upgrades happen, but they're rare. I buy most equipment new and don't replace any of it casually.

I'm still using my Infinity IRS Beta speaker system. I kept my ARC SP-11 Mk. II preamp in use until I just couldn't live without a remote anymore, so I bought an ARC Ref 5SE. That gives you an idea of my system's slow evolution.

VPI TNT III/VPI SDS turntable/with SME V/ ARC Ref 2SE phono stage. Crown, Tandberg and Nakamichi tape; Bryston BDA-3 and BDP-3 digital. Dedicated AC lines/CJ, ARC and Bryston amplifiers.

I'm retired now but have been a music lover forever and an audiophile since I was a teen. It's easier to justify audio's high prices when you're in it for the long term. I keep my cars for a long time, too, but I've had a bunch since I bought my McIntosh MR-80 tuner 40 years ago. Those cars have long since been crushed, I'm sure, but the Mac still satisfies. That's value, even though the $2,000 that it cost me then would be worth more than $6,500 today.

Let’s put it this way. I am enjoying my system. I like my system when I purchased it. Since then as I learned more, tried different components and tweaks and each time, it sounded better. OK I was hooked.

My latest change was taking out a tube buffer and adding a Khozmo passive preamp. I am getting close. I have said that several times. This is fun. Checking out a Network Acoustic ENO or upgraded crossovers. But I think most of you would like this system as it sits.  Haven't found any serious audio nuts like me to give opinions. 

How did I get there? Lots of trading in and trading up when I was in my 20s. Finally, in 1983, after I turned 34, I purchased ADS 1230 speakers and never looked back. Amp is a Quad 405 and pre-amp, a Nakamichi 410, both purchased in late 1977. Still have my Thorens TD166 mk 2 table (1985), Yamaha T-70 tuner (1982, an Ebay purchase), Sumiko blue point #2, and NAD CD player(2016). 

I've heard other speakers since '83 but none that wowed me to the point where I'd sell my 1230s. Let others pursue the holy grail of audio, I'll enjoy the  music. You get older, you have other priorities, in addition to other hobbies. Mine are varied and many. One of them is cycling. Bikes have their own rabbit hole to go down. 


I love my system. I found my forever amp. SACD player is fine. The only thing I'd change is to 3 series Maggies if I thought I was never going to move again.