Maggie LRS amping question

I've had a pair of LRS for a few months, and been extremely happy with them. I'm currently running them off a Rotel RC-9808x preamp and a Rotel RB-9808x amp. This setup seems great, but as I don't know if I'm reaching the LRSs potential, I'm wondering if its worth it to buy a second RB-9808x and run them in mono. Would this be worth it? are we talking 1% better or 10% better? The detail is already superlative, I'm just wondering if the soundstage would benefit from the additional power.


further comment on rotels -- the new michi’s may be an exception (second hand info only, i have not heard one in my own rig), but in my experience, historically standard issue rotels are reliable, solidly built amplifiers with good but not great sound... to me the sound is somewhat grainy, with classic solid state electronic edge, not a very low noise floor...

I've had a pair of LRS for a few months, and been extremely happy with them. I'm currently running them off a Rotel RC-9808x preamp and a Rotel RB-9808x amp. This setup seems great, but as I don't know if I'm reaching the LRSs potential, I'm wondering if its worth it to buy a second RB-9808x and run them in mono. Would this be worth it? are we talking 1% better or 10% better? The detail is already superlative, I'm just wondering if the soundstage would benefit from the additional power

I'm wondering if its worth it to buy a second RB-9808x and run them in mono. Would this be worth it? are we talking 1% better or 10% better? The detail is already superlative, I'm just wondering if the soundstage would benefit from the additional power

my 2 cents -- i would not get another 9808x unit... if you must stay rotel, get a michi level unit

otherwise, get a better sounding amp altogether... driving maggies it's not just about quantity - quality differences are shown through by the excellence of the speaker...

I’m an LRS + owner and I have to say that this speaker has an ability to show the flaws of the system more than any $1000 speaker I have ever heard. I ended up using a Peachtree GAN 400 it seems like a great match. The magna risers are a must, they improve the strengths of the speakers immensely. They will be a bit of moving around to get into the proper space but then they will cause you to sit there with your mouth open and think how is this possible. I have a few others that are quite a bit more expensive but they are not as revealing as the LRS+. 

I want to try LRS+. Do you think a McIntosh MC2100 amp would work? It's 100 watts @ 4ohms.