Opportunity to buy Demo Magico M2?

A dealer called me with an offer to sell their demo Magico M2’s at a massive discount. I was recently in their shop and tested the A5’s with my Gryphon Diablo 300, and I found the bass to be lacking with the A5’s. I think this was likely due to the fact that they had less than 250 hours on them.

My room, while not massive, is on the larger side. Vaulted ceilings that rises to 14 feet at the peak, about 26ft front to back, and open on the sides (house is open concept). There is a large and tall island that separates out the listening area.

Considering my room size, and considering my not so great experience with the A5’s, should I bother lugging my amp into the shop to test the M2’s? I have to travel a ways so it’s a bit of a commitment. But the discount they are offering is about $25k off. And they said it would include the M-Pods.  Thoughts?



Poke33 it can really get stressful, it can be fun as well, anytime you want big changes on the system, it require money, research, tweaking , or even changing amps, cables as well and listening too .it’s a lot of work.

@ghdprentice , good advice, thank you. I’ve been in this hobby for decades and only recently realized that sensing musical engagement is the way to test speakers, rather then endless A/B comparisons!

@henry201 , with my posts I aim to share in my experiences and listen to the experiences of others. I’ve received a lot of good advice over the years. Not the sort of advice as in “you should buy this speaker!”. But, more along the lines of “The Monitor Audio PL500’s require 4.5’ behind them to sound their best”. That info is tremendously helpful as it saves me and the dealer lots of time and effort, as it sounds like these speakers won’t work for me. In the case of the M2’s, because of the general feedback hear and also that review I read online cautioning against using them in larger rooms, I’m going to pass on auditioning them. There are many, many opinions, but also excellent advice. Another example - I am having dedicated lines installed soon and my electrician would have installed cable without dedicated green isolates ground cables, if not for advice I received on these boards. Their are obviously tons of subjective opinions and that is also good to listen to for education. In fact, in rare instances, there is consensus of subjective opinions too. This is how I was turned on to the Gryphon Diablo 300. There are probably ten people who love this amp to every one person who doesn’t, and that made me think I needed to check it out. Very glad I did! So that’s the sort of thing I hope to accomplish with my posts!


Also, regarding at-home demos, I’m not aware of any dealers in my area that would allow at home demos of speakers of this size.  



Same as me.


I did not like the a5 but I enjoyed the m2.  Side by side comparison.