Energy speakers

Hey everyone, I'm new here. I'm searching for some new towers, and I was wondering if anyone has experiene with the Energy brand. I understand they're a little more laid-back compared to some of the competition, but I have B&W DM601s, and I keep seeing comparisons between B&W and Energy. What do you guys think?


What improvements are you looking for, what sound characteristics are most important to you, and what’s your budget?  There are tons of great budget speakers out there these days so not sure why you’re singling out Energy. 

I'm looking for towers in particular. My fronts are bookshelves, and I want something with really solid bass response. I'm moving into an apartment, and my sub is pretty beastly. I'd like to have something to use in 2 channel without needing to rely on a sub for the lower frequencies. I know towers won't move air quite the same as a solid sub, but I'd like for the neighbors not to kill me lol. I'm looking for well defined but not aggressive highs, a clear midrange, and solid punchy bass. I don't need Cerwin Vega levels of bass, but plenty enough to support the sound musically. I'll plug my sub back in for home theater, though. :)


I threw out Energy because of all the research I've been doing lately, and their stuff seems like they would pair well with my current fronts, which would be repurposed as surrounds. For budget, I'll say under 5k. I'd love to hear some suggestions! though!

Here ya go. Just buy these and you’ll be thrilled, and they do everything you’re looking for and much, much more (Energy isn’t even near the same league as these). At $2800/pr ($7000 MSRP) they’re an absolute steal, and if for some reason they don’t rock your world you can likely sell them at a profit, but I doubt you’d let them go after hearing them. And if/when you upgrade electronics these will allow all of the improvements to shine through. Best of luck.