Best sounding CD Player for $3K or less used?

I'm shopping for a great sounding pre-owned CD Player, my budget is $3K-max. My system is Krell 280p & 2250, with Wilson CUB2 Speakers. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...
In no particular order...

REGA Saturn

Meridian G07

Meridian G08

Meridian 508.24

Esoteric DV-50 or (DV-50S)

Wadia 301

Wadia 302 (heard it is very similar to the 301)

Wadia 830
For what it is worth, at 3k you can expect greatness brand new and with a warranty (e.g. Arcam FMJ, Hagerman tech. dac + 1k dvd player, etc.). If you so choose. When I was shopping, I never found the +5k players to neccessarily suit me any better than the 2k players and sometimes my definte preference was the much lower priced unit.
With regards to the Wadia players, you should also be able to get an 850 for under $3k. I'm not sure how much of an upgrade this is to the 301, 302, & 830.
