Looking for Preamplifier with HDMI Arc...need suggestions

Hi All,

I plan on making the big step to actually buying a smart TV soon.  I've been delaying it because of the fact that there are no RCA outputs on many TV's anymore.

I want to connect the TV to a preamplifier that has HDMI Arc, so that I can use the TV's single remote to control the volume on the preamp...which in turn feeds the power amplifier.

I'm having a tough time finding a preamp with this HDMI Arc connection.

If anyone has found some, please suggest them here, thanks!


I don't have an answer. However, I'm guessing that any "pre-amp" with HDMI Arc is going to be an HT Processor, not a dedicated 2-channel pre-amp.

If you just need to get audio from your TV to a 2-channel pre-amp, most TV's have digital outputs (usually toslink optical). You could output digital via toslink to an external DAC or to a pre-amp that has a DAC built-in.

Found in two minutes with Google.

Cambridge Audio Edge NQ

Take a look at Classe and Anthem, too.

I use my smart TV as a monitor. IMHO I think the streaming is best done outside of the TV. I wish I could have bought a quality 85" TV without smart electronics.

My solution for an integrated HT and music system:

I use a 7 channel HT receiver for HT. I send 2 preamp signals from my HT receiver to my music integrated amp for the front 2 channels. When I want to watch a movie, I just switch the Music integrated to the input that I have the HT out front signals going to.
