Ethernet - Analog/Digital Signal Clean Up

Curiosity got the better of me recently and I tried a pretty cheap tweak where I used two Fiber Optic converters between the eero access point and my Lumin U1 Mini streamer. Converted from copper Ethernet to fiber optic then back to copper and then into streamer using my Supra Cat8. 

I was pleasantly surprised with the improvements this change had brought into my system and now I am wondering if I can do better. One other aspect of the current configuration that I don’t like is the clutter - each unit comes with it’s own power supply and add to that a fiber optic cable. I already have a spider web of wires and am not looking to add to that. 

Objective is to have as much noise, RFI and EMI removed before it reaches the streamer. 

Seeking opinions on the following units from those who had tried them in their systems:

  1. English Electric Network Switch 8 (Silent Angel is pretty much the same thing)
  2. Uptone EtherREGEN (currently out of stock)
  3. Network Acoustics Eno (box or streaming system)


What is your experience with these units?

Anything else to add to the above list? 


Thanks in advance!




makes sense with the streaming DAC. Not excluding the possibility that I will give it try at some point. I’m just hearing for the first time now what my system is capable of and apparently I haven’t reached the ceiling yet.

@audphile1, I’m a huge fan of the ENO Streaming System Ag because it is a passive filter and it does exactly what Rob Osborne and Rich Trussell at Network Acoustics said it would do. I have one network switch between my router and the ENO, and I’m about to add another because as you mentioned two switches are better than one.

When I was putting together my streaming system Rob answered all of my emails and gave me practical solutions for improving the SQ of my listening chain without me having to empty my bank account.

I’m on the Uptone Audio email list for the new EtherREGEN whenever it comes out (no date, parts supply shortages).

I will be giving Eno a try hopefully in the next few weeks (placed an order). I also ordered a Network switch with upgraded power supply per Rob’s (Network Acoustics) recommendation to put between EERO and Eno. I’ll see if the fibre optic converters are still needed when all this is in place and broken in.  

@audphile1, that sounds like you’re on the right path now. The switches that Rob suggested I use are pretty moderately priced as are the iFi xPower SMP supply units.