I just completed my 50 foot dedicated AC.
Your question was what wire to use.
I believe I addressed this issue with about the best wire available.
Oyaide high quality copper three wire 10 gauge.
This very special cable is available through the US distributor, www,lotusgroupusa dot com. Joe Cohen in NorCal.
This cable is very close to a good quality power cord. Its construction includes 2 copper grounds in addition to the main three wires. 1 a ribbon that wraps around the main 3 and a second one in a thin copper braided wire.
To get the best, one has to pay. My 50 feet cost $4K. In addition I terminated the run with two Oyaide duplexes and carbon fiber face plates. This was $1200 more.
And my electrician was another $2200. My run was complex through the attic.
Was $7400 worth it? You bet! The improvement was global. I got about a 25% better system. Clean, punchy, stunningly real!
The only catch is that none of this Oyaide stuff is UL approved. But the Japanese standard are way beyond those in the States. And I did not touch the house AC system. Still, you have to find a licensed electrician who is willing to deal with non UL. I went through a couple and luckily found a guy willing to do the install.
And I had to pay him a consultant fee to talk with Joe Cohen on how to deal with the unique Oyaide cable.
The main issue is wire. For me, there is only one.