Think Its Possible To Order Tubes From the Ukraine?

Having a set of tube amps being shipped to me this week. Its a pair of Audio Mirror Reflections monoblocks that use the 6C33C tubes. The amps come with one set of outputs and a pair of spares. I was thinking of ordering a backup set of tubes. After looking at the tube sites, the majority of them are Russian sellers, and that is not going to work due to current events. However, there are sellers from the Ukraine of this tube. Do you think a person can order from them and have a good chance of receiving their package?


It comes with 2 sets and you want to buy more??? Now? Why? Won't it be YEARS before you actually need them? They're not rare or expensive, maybe wait and avoid overpaying. Or not, only you can decide 

Re the response, to what is gong on in the world, and how it will affect Europe. It's a set up.

Whatever you say guys, whatever you say......

the behavior and acts of the system has nothing to do with the personal future of the USA anymore. It's been an open secret for a long time. Now we're finally getting to the crunch, in 2022, where push comes to shove...

Are you guys really that naive??? I can't believe people can be brainwashed like that...
You've been scammed like the latest suckers (media)...
You support someone, condemn someone, but you don’t know anything at all about the subject (((((.
I do not believe that someone is looking for lamps and cannot find ... now you can buy anything and anywhere ... a million ways ...
You need ? - turn on google and find the product.