Changes to older system

My system is the following, electronics and speakers bought from the store where I worked through college and grad school in the late 80s and early 90s:

- Cambridge Audio CXN v1

- NAD 1600 preamp

- NAD 2200PE amp

- B&W Matrix 3 Series 2 speakers 

- Monster Cable interconnects and speaker cable

Overall I still enjoy the sound, but I’ve always thought it was bright and bass shy.

Where should I start to upgrade this rig?

- First and most obvious choice is cabling, but what?

- Second, Quirk Audio can upgrade the amp and preamp, but is it better to do that or buy new?

I’d like to stay in the $2k range per component - used or new.

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I’d replace the speakers first rather than trying to put a bandaid on them with tubes, and you probably don’t wanna run your Matrix 3s with a tube amp as they generally require some power to get the best out of them. Those older metal tweets are likely the biggest source of the brightness you’re hearing so fix the source of the problem rather than jumping through expensive hoops to get them to sound better. Given what you’re looking for I think you should give the LSA-20 Signatures a good look — they are available here direct from the manufacturer for only $1699/pr. They’ll definitely add more bass to your system, and their silk dome tweets will very likely tame your brightness issue without sacrificing detail. Read the reviews.

After that I’d upgrade the preamp as it’s the heart of your system and greatly affects the sound of your overall system or, even likely better and more cost effective, get good integrated that’ll upgrade your amp at the same time. Then I’d do a good DAC, and then I’d wrestle with cables. That’s what I’d do FWIW.

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I got some of the last batch of Zu Audio Dirty Weekends. They sound great with my PowerNode 2i.

Oh, I do love them!  I fretted about spending so much on one component, but was somewhat flush with cash from selling my record collection and splurged.  I don’t regret spending the money, and have enjoyed my DWs and PowerNode immensely.