Review of Tekton Pendragon-Se Loudspeaker

Hello to all I finally have over 150 hours logged on these new Tekton Pendragon-SE about the 120 hr mark with low SPL we decided to open up the volume These -SEs are now starting to open up.
I listened for detecting the crossover points hearing port noise, as we'll aberrations in the voicing-None
Sonicly these loudspeakers are a Revelation - Exceptionally well deigned and voiced. Eric hit this one out of the park my compliments. My brother and 2 friends who are casual listeners were totally draw in .
From Oldies Xmas soungs to Many rock and roll cuts all flac files on my HD. I also need to mention
The speakers are a Fantastic combination of real Earthy natural presentation
Warm in a Very natural perspective .listening to Ottmar Liebert on guitar you can here the reverb from the body if the guitar and feel the fingers sliding off the guitar strings. My brother mentioned listening to ELP
Lucky man album take pebble which was in a cave the drops of water you can clearly hear, with the echo
From the splash as the drop hits the water is better then we have heard Ever.and the drivers still have several days more to runin, the capacitors still have a solid week to fully runin.
A match made in Heaven. How could I not help to promote thesewith this much coherent in music and dynamics , Excellent front to back layering and a Huge cavernous soundstage .what started as a 6 song audition turned into a 4 hour music request.
I will say without reservation my brothers Big Pass Labs amplifier was an incredible match with
The Pendragon -SE ,one More thing the Bass at 120 hours is taught fast and and as tight as a new pair of jeans ! I have had many loudspeakers much more expensive .I can say without reservation the musicality and cohesiveness
Have no competition even at 2 times he money's. take a Maggie 3.7 give it more dynamics, and solid Bass
And it Would be close. The Tekton Pendragon SE is a rare breed and from mine and several observers
An exceptional value even against loudspeakers costing more the double there're price..
Tektons owner and designer Eric Alexander has hit this Pendragon -SE out of the park HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !! P.s if any one is in or coming to the Massachustts area message me for a listen.
I can tell you without reservation that the SE version is not just another plain Jane speaker.I have heard the Pendragon on several occasions
And the dynamics in the -SE version is still there in spades,for the Xover
Is very similar therefore the drivers are the main difference .the standard
Pendragon cabinet is a little bigger so the bass does go a bit lower.
With the -SE version the soundstage is Huge If I am sitting at the opposite side of the room I can still Clearly hear what is going on with the other
Speaker the separation of instruments ,imaging,and image depth is better
With h -SE model that is what the moe precision drivers bring to the table.
The regular Pendragon can play a bit louder ,putting things in perspective
108 db is deafening and permenent hearing loss is a Guarantee if you
Listen at this level for more then a minute or two, like a jackhammer
In your living room That us how loud the -SE can play . This is the more thing .my uncle is a technician ,I recently just upgraded the Xover to the Duelund resistors ,the Hot Jupiter flat stack
Capacitors which are Very natural sounding and in some ways better then the Mundorf silver oil caps which I have used many times.
This brings the -SE to another level still .when I turn it up you are there
With all the. Finess dynamics and clarity. You will have to spend several times what these speakers cost to beat brothers B&W 802 Diamonds are better in some areas but not in soundstage width.
The only way I would sell my speakers would be if my brother buys the
B&w 800 , the 802 is that good But at a huge price difference.
Tekton speakers in general are a excellent value.
I forgot to mention my room is 18x 24 and the slightly smaller
Pendragon -SE is more then enough in volume as well as soundstage size to give you a great audio performance.
I have about 200 hours now on my Black Satin Pendragon-SE with Munforf Silver Oil Capacitors. All the positive things I've read, I'd agree with completely. I'm listing to Charlie Parker right now as I write this and I'm blown away by the sound. In fact I've been blown away by every piece of music I've heard on them but jazz has been an epiphany. I always liked jazz live but never enjoyed jazz recordings until now. They've come to life with this set-up. I've got an Ayre integrated amp, Ayre DAC (balanced inputs), Mac mini quad running Audirvana Plus and using Transparent cables all around. I've not owned a system this good before but have previewed scores of combinations over the past six months and like nothing better than what I'm hearing right now. Huge soundstage, pristine clarity top to bottom at any volume. Bass is tight and clean without being overwhelming. Low volume or high, the emotion and excitement of the music come through. Earlier today I heard emotion from Bonnie Raitt that I'd never heard before. These speakers are astounding. I'll answer any questions you might have and would be glad to preview them for you if in the Central VA area. I didn't spend a huge fortune on this setup and cannot imagine getting the same quality any other way without spending a lot more $$, especially on the speakers.
I am very interested in buying some Pendragons to replace my Maggie 2Bs that have delaminated a second time, but I want hear the Pendragons first. Is there anyone in the Washington DC, northern Virginia area who has a pair who would be willing to let me listen to them?
