Michael Fremer leaves Analog Planet

I'm not sure who I can trust anymore.....




I like Mike a lot. Hoping his next platform has better video and audio. Long live Fremer!

I miss Art.  I always got the impression that Art knew he was living on borrowed time, so there was no bull in him.

@teo_audio: Without Art Dudley, Stereophile is barely worth reading (I have a complete collection of his Listener magazine). I stick around for John Atkinson's amplifier and loudspeaker measurements.

When Fremer was originally with TAS, he never missed an opportunity to badmouth Stereophile. Wonder if he'll repeat himself. 

Too bad Fremer is going back to TAS. I was hoping he'd go back to being a divorce attorney!

I am a fan of MF and anyone who enjoys vinyl should appreciate what he has done to resurrect the medium. Most of the gear he has reviewed the last few years has been out of my price range but I still read the reviews anyways.