Michael Fremer leaves Analog Planet

I'm not sure who I can trust anymore.....




Too bad Fremer is going back to TAS. I was hoping he'd go back to being a divorce attorney!

I am a fan of MF and anyone who enjoys vinyl should appreciate what he has done to resurrect the medium. Most of the gear he has reviewed the last few years has been out of my price range but I still read the reviews anyways.

I will say the same thing here that I just posted on AP. 


Let's take a simple look at history.

Tyll Hertsens WAS InnerFidelity and once he was gone the website by that name died. Gone.
Michael Lavorgna left Audio Stream (or was let go, can't recall, don't care) and Audio Stream became useless and to my knowledge is no-more.
If you scroll to the bottom of this page you will see that AP is the last of the many spin-off websites and it too will go the way of the Dodo.
It is interesting to me that S'phile published Mike Fremer's review of the top Grado cartridge just two days ago. And there is no mention of his leaving on the Stereophile website. Yet. I respect Jim Austin. I suspect and hope he will say something appropriate, true, and with class.

Oh, that's different.  I read the title of this thread and thought he might be returning to his home planet.  

Whether you agree or not with the veracity of Fremers reviews, he has had an immense impact on the resurgence of vinyl after the digital onslaught in the late 80's, particularly amongst the baby boomers - we should be thankful.

I think AP & Sterophile will miss Fremer much more than they think, particularly since Art Dudley's passing as well.

I only ever read Fremer and Dudley, and of course the record reviews.

The equipment reviews these days are pretty much advertorials - like the car mags where everything is great - until the new model comes out - thats when they reveal the obvious flaws in the previous model.