If you balance a stable balance arm so that it floats horizontally, lift it an inch or two, let go and it will swing up and down until it finds its stable balance point. It will find the same balance point every time. If you do this to a neutral balance arm it will stay exactly where you let go where ever you let go.
So if a neutral balance arm gets raised by a record warp it never comes down.
Oh, wait, it has a 10 gram cartridge on the end.
And 1-2gm tracking force.
There's no such thing as neutral balance, they all come down.
Which arm do you think tracks warps better?
How often do you play warped records ?
I thought you had a vacuum Sota - does it not work on warped records ?
I have no problem tracking warped records on any of my arms, including the Naim Aro with its low slung counterweight.