@lordmelton you have a very valid point on the current state of affairs in the United States. Most tire companies are owned or manufacture in China due to lax environmental standards. That trend has been going on for decades.
Mc is an American Icon in Hi-Fi like them or not and it would be a shame to see them go the way of other iconic American brands like General Electric that has zero US manufacturing now.
I also hate to say that @jerryg123 has a point also. Many here are looking for the car crash or the body covered on the side of the road.
Nationalism aside some offshore production of products is necessary, it is just when companies misrepresent this and say made in the USA, or the EU and it is merely assembled of all offshore content. Truth in packaging and COO so the consumer can make the decision weather to buy or not. Voting with their wallet?
I hope that the PE Venture works out for Mc as this is not their first foray into PE waters.
Time will tell.