Old guy needs recommendation request for old CD players / DAC

I plan to use one of the following old CD players in my audio system and would like to know your recommendations on which one will provide better sonics and whether to use the DAC as well. The player will be used in an all-tube Conrad Johnson rig.

JVC XLZ-1050TN CD player (built like a battleship and highly reviewed in its time)
Oppo 980H DVD/CD player (also highly rated in its day)

MyDac DAC by Micromega


(pardon the heading, but I can't seem to remove the word 'request')


I tend to agree with @russ69 , but if you do go for one you listed, the JVC is a better bet, at least JVC is still in business. And yes, as @carlsbad says, make sure you can use your outboard DAC in any case. 

Some of the older CD players sounded great.  I’ve not heard this JVC model but I did have a 16 bit Rotel RCD855 and it was very warm and nice sounding.  Believe it or not, I liked the 855 better than a Cambridge Audio Azur 840C.  The Azur was too analytical (in non balanced mode - didn’t have the option to hear it with XLRs).  I also had the Oppo DV970 for many years as well.  I think you have 2 very decent players here, don’t be surprised if the older technology is to your liking….

I had the JVC years ago, and for its time it was a very smooth sounding player compared to others in its class, but if strong dynamics are a priority you will be disappointed.

Thanks to everyone with your great tips and suggestions! I'll likely stick with the JVC as I only listen to CDs occasionally these days, as 98% of my CD and LP collection has been digitized and played through my streamer.


Thanks again!

An excellent vintage CD player would be the Sony SCD-777ES. However, as @russ69 mentioned, the older players often have parts problems. In fact, I sold my SCD-777ES because it needed a small part that was no longer available (although the unit functioned well). I replaced it with a new Denafrips Avatar CD transport – which I’m extremely happy with.