Top monitors 3K - 6K range

Hello all,

I am looking into some flagship monitors and I'd like some help/recommendations. I don't have a single sound I like and my tastes in music are pretty diverse too. Currently I have a few nice speakers including Harbeth SHL-5, B&W 805N, Magnepan 1.6 and PSB Imagine B. These speakers are all pretty different and I do like them all. I have owned Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M which somehow did not do it for me, amazing imaging but a little thick. Also I have had the Merlin TSM MMI which was great but my amplification is SS which seems to cause some restrictions.

My room is 12x16, speakers on the short wall. I do tend to like a slightly warm sounds but I also love dynamics, pinpoint imaging and sexy looking cabinets.

I am currently looking into:

B&W 805D
Totem Mani 2 Signature
Dynaudio C1
Focal Micro Be
Usher BE-718
Volent VL-2
Evolution MMMicroOne

Any recommendations? Am I missing anything?
I agree with Polk432 to add Lipinski L707 to your list. I would also add a pair of Celestion SL700s (esp the SE version) if you can find them.
I would add the audience clairaudient 2+2 and also the fritz Rev 7 or illuminator be to your list. I own the audience and they have a very coherent and electrostatic transparency to them. I've heard many of the fritz speakers in my home (thanks fritz for coming by!) and I thought the carbon 7 were very good, but thought the rev 7 and illuminator exhibited a higher level of clarity and refinement. Given your high budget, I would try one of those
This extends past your budget a bit but the Silverline Reference 17 Supreme is nice. Swap out the capacitor for a Duelund VSF and the resistor for a Duelund or Mundorf and you would have a very nice speaker. The speaker is great even with no crossover changes but does respond well to crossover upgrades.
Salk HT1's. They are a little large, but they can look pretty sexy on Sound Anchor stands with an exotic veneer.

Joseph Audio Pulsars would be worth a listen. I'd think you could find a lightly used pair at the top of your price range. Best of luck.