Classic Ortofon Cartridges: The MC2000 MK II or the MC3000 MK II?

So I have owned quite a few Otofon cartridges over the years, everything from the modest OM cartridges to a couple of Cadenza up to an A90. I typically enjoy Ortofon cartridges.

Now one I have never owned is the MC2000. It seems from a bit of reading I have done that owners of the MC2000 felt it was the most accurate of the Ortofon cartridges, and that releases after it were not its equal.

However, when you look at the MC3000 it has a higher output level that would allow it to work with my Esoteric phono stage. The Esoteric is happy running an MC200 on it which has .09 mV output. but the MC2000 is .05 mV. The MC 3000 MK II is .13 mV from what I find.

Has anyone spent time listening to these classic MC 000 series of Ortofon cartridges? I know there is also a 5000 and 7500, but those seem to be pretty rare.

Regarding the MC2000, I wonder if I use a low mass headshell if I can use it on the Dynavector DV505. I don’t think the mass of the arm in the horizontal plane should affect it, and the vestigial arm can be configured to be an appropriate match for the compliance on this cartridge.

I currently have an MC200u on the arm and its very surprising regarding how good it sounds. Its actually pretty neutral, pretty expressive, but just a bit relaxed in the top end. I certainly enjoy it, but I wonder how these statement cartridges from the classic Ortofon line will sound. These would have been from their long time designer who has now retired, so its a different era of Ortofon versus what their current offerings are. Even though we should acknowledge that the current cartridges use design principals that were developed from this earlier time period and engineering team. 


@rauliruegas  I have not listened to it yet, it is bought and being shipped from the UK. I like the MC3000 MK II, and my understanding is this is the same cartridge with gemstone cantilever. Past experiences have shown I like ruby and sapphire cantilevered cartridges as a whole, so there is a good chance I like this one, especially for a casual use cartridge. I do not expect it to surpass my better cartridges, but for $900 I should get a lot of hours of enjoyment out of it. 

Are you referring to photo #8? On my iPhone that could be grain due to low pixel count and hence poor resolution or it could be shmutz that typically accumulates on the underside of a cartridge that’s been in use.

I have my doubts it’s either of that. The marks on the silver portion of the body could be dust. But what is on the panel behind the cantilever looks too close to corrosion for me to chance the purchase.


This is the image of the MC5000 I am buying. This can be seen as dust on the cartridge body and the metal plate for the stylus, which looks significantly different than what is on the MC2000



You’ve made your decision, and we have no real data on that MC2000, dirt vs corrosion, so any further debate is moot. Enjoy your MC5000, and let us know how it compares to the other Ortofons in the same series that you already own.

Have just checked this thread after some time (years probably) and surprisingly found it still alive. Interesting, it is mostly about 2000 (and 3000mk2, 5-7500) and so less on just 3000, is it because it is rare (I've been told once that it was made in just about 200 pcs?), or for what reason, I do not know.

Well, I have one for about 10 years, purchased from a friend of mine NOS/NIB, with all the original packaging (wooden 'trunk'' with straw, Ortofon crowbar :), Replicant display case, etc). Cannot compare to other x000 carts because have had no one to, but it is definitely the best MC I have ever heard, and I heard quite some vintage and new Denons (103, 300, 301), Ortofons )Kontrapunk, Cadenza.mc30, sl20), AT's (interesting btw, between ART, 09, I like 07 the most), and also some other not in my system. (Dynavectors, zyx, etc).

What I can say, well I totally agree with that old Stereophile review, especially on bass performance, a truly terrific power and control in that scope, but also very detailed mid range and a smooth highs (maybe someone would describe as somehow rolled off, I don't know, 10 years ago my ears were younger, so it was not really the issue). In brief, very, very relaxed sound with a large, meaty stage, absolutely free of any kind of constraint, fatigue or similar nervousness. Of course, a very good phono pre is desirable (luckily I have a very good solid state dual mono with about 70db gain set at 60 Ohm load, but I have a feeling that even less gain would be just fine).

Recently, in the past couple of years, I moved my attention to the very fine MM carts (i.e. Denon dl109d, Elac hsp796, at15xe, AT20ss, ADC25, Technics EPC205clii, EPC22, B&O mmc2 to name just some of them), and btw following some recommendations found here on AG (thanks!), so this old masterpiece is just exhibiting in its acrylic display aside of one of my TT's.

Cart was lightly used thru years, but unfortunately last time I have given it a listen, I  miscarried the tonearm and missed the record brink (so realized :D that time has come to switch to a full auto TT's). The cantilever (of some carbon fiber+ ? mixture) is now just slightly indented on its inner side, but as I can tell, it has absolutely no impact on sound, tracking, plays exactly the same as before.

Well, since I am (sadly) a perfectionist, I would eventually pass it over to somebody not so meticulous like me :) to enjoy it to its last days. Not really an advertisement or a mandatory sale (no idea on market value), maybe also some exchange possible...whatever.

And yes, it's in Europe, so no Japan humidity :) issue.