Should Audiogon forum dealers be held to a different standard?

Usually, people take a measured approach in trusting salespersons because of conflict of interest - commission vs serving customer’s interests. It’s great when you find one you can trust on your behalf.

However, I noticed that sometimes when an audio dealer posts, they’re met with seemingly automatic skepticism beyond the usual - like they are automatically dishonest about helping audiophiles, they just want the sale. I do like them informing us they’re dealers in their posts which allow us to scrutinize their claims more closely.

Should Audiogon forum dealers be held to a different standard than other members?


FWIW, when I first got interested in high-end audio, I had a very bad experience at an audio store trying to push a sale of an inferior sounding system. So for years I avoided dealer opinions for lack of trust and did all my own research. Luckily, lately I found a knowledgeable audio dealer with whom I can trust - his knowledge was invaluable in my purchasing decisions.


Just like going into a hi-fi store many times ot is best to keep quiet and find out what the other fellow doesn't  know. 

Perhaps the YMMV disclaimer should be imprinted on all posts here?
What falls between the cracks of what you propose aren't the dealers, who properly identify themselves, and who should have valuable knowledge given their exposures to multiple products, set ups etc. The real issue comes from those "civilians" who take it upon themselves to proselytize particular components, manufacturers, etc with the blind zeal of a travelling preacher. There's a fine line between 'hey this worked for me' and post after post, no matter the subject, pushing products the civilian finds superior. 

I’m not sure about instituting different standards for dealers. Should we also institute standards to differentiate between ‘experts’ and ‘noobs?’ Personally, I find I welcome posts from dealers, especially when they self-identify. When it is an obvious ‘advertisement,’ I generally discount it and move on. If every fifth post were such an ‘advertisement,’ it would be a problem for me, and I would likely frequent another forum.