The review wehave been promising is up


Jjss49 I have to write replies on my phone as it is easier to finger type as I h ad a stroke which was mentioned previously

For some reason the phone auto corrects and for some strange reason it is not in English all the time so the word was misspelled Sorry.


Some of you are really uptight and ovely judgemental.

Many of us are in our late fifties or sixties and it is not easy to be able to see a small screen

I would not judge others so harshly.


As per offering dealer pricing to everyone.


Why doesn’t every company do that?

I would love a new tesla for 20k.

However tesla needs to make money as do all people.

The Evo is an amazing product if you want to put your money on the line please order one.


We did to the tune of 20k to purchase all the models to offer display samples.

So we like everyone else need to stay in bussines.


Mr. Quint is In The industry his article was lengthy and time Consuming hence an industry price.

We discovered the brand bought a bunch of samples sent out review samples and demoed at shows all of this costs money.

The forums are to also bring attention to new products


And we test alot of them


When we offer sugestions in a post

It is because we have tested and found better

On a power conditioner post we made a recomendarion based on testingthe same product.


We always send out display samples when someone wants to do the same tests on the product.

We put our money where our months are by purchasing these products

Our store is a giant testing lab.



















Jjss49 I have to write replies on my phone as it is easier to finger type as I h ad a stroke which was mentioned previously

For some reason the phone auto corrects and for some strange reason it is not in English all the time so the word was misspelled Sorry.

dave, no apology needed for mis-spelling, my smart-alek post wasn’t picking on that - i empathize re your struggles post-stroke, and wish you all the best on regaining good health

my point was just to reinforce what i posted on earlier, about reviewers and what incentivizes them, and how difficult it is to be entirely objective and not become co-opted by commercial advantages the role affords... be it accommodation pricing, long-term or permanent ’loans’ of gear, and so on...

my hope is also that you as a forum member will focus on mainly providing useful new info for the benefit of the end users who come here to become informed, and keep the frontal selling tactics to a minimum

cheers and best wishes