How Do I Choose A Phono Preamp

I have a Technics 1200G turntable/ Hana ML, Audioquest Cinnamon interconnects and a McIntosh MA 12000 feeding Wilson Audio Sabrina X.

I figure that an integrated phono stage is pretty hard to execute and this would be better handled by an external phono preamp and best with a well isolated power supply.

How do I shop for a phono preamp?  I'm ok new, or used.  Any suggestions as to what specific amps to look at?


Here's a few, Ear 834p, tavish design Adagio, Musical fidelity mx vynl, pro-ject tube box ds2...

The Gold Note PH-10 is one of the more versatile units at a reasonable price and it sounds amazing

How do I shop for a phono preamp? I’m ok new, or used. Any suggestions as to what specific amps to look at?

I can only help with the “how I did it”.

- Single or multiple inputs
- Ease of loading
- Maximum gain

- Voltage
- Transimpedance

- Colour (Black, Silver)
- Brands you choose to get or avoid
- Tube or SS

Once you run all the models through a “sluice box” or requirements, then you take what is left as remaining… and try and get a listen to them.

Or you get what sounds good, and then get the cartridge that will work with it.

Since you already have a good cartridge, you have an easier time than with that also an unbounded trade space.

Single or multiple inputs

Accuracy of loading..ease secondary

Gain max 70-74


Tube or SS...not sure. I intentionally purchased an integrated with tube preamp and SS power amplifier. I would prefer a neutral phono stage and maintain detail, especially midrange.

Also, prefer well isolated power supply and balanced outputs.

Listening to preamps pretty tricky since so many variables.

AR PH8 sounds appealing ..except no balanced outputs .. will require some patience to find one.