Add a external DAC, buy EAR Acute or go PC`?

I am wondering what to to right now. I have put my Electrocompaniet EMC1up up for sale. I love the design and the build quality of this player, but want to upgrade my digital front end. My options is; Keep my EMC 1 and add an external DAC (i will not have the funding to buy a state of the art DAC then), sell it and go for a EAR Acute player witch will match my EAR 864 and 890 amp set both in looks and i presume in sound, or convert to PC-audio and use the funds from the sale of my EMC1 and go for a Audio Note 2.1 signature DAC or evtn a used EMM Labs DAC6. Theese are my alternatives. Any suggestions of what i should do?
I now own the EAR Acute and have previously owned another
formidable CDP w/ volume control. FWIW, I almost always prefer
going through a good preamp. It may not me as simple as
just bypassing your preamp and going direct to achieve the
sound that is better for you. The Acute is a good player, but
you should at least try it through your 864 IMHO.
you probably know this already but if you buy the EMM to use with your pc you won't get the SACD function of the EMM Labs.
I've read everything I can about the Acute. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to listen to one or to speak to an owner. Could you share your impressions of the units performance?
Wish i could. I haven't heard it, nor the Audio Note or the EMM labs DAC's. Thats partly why i find my choice so difficult. I understand that there are others in the same situation. Conclution; there are way to few good hi-fi shops in this world. I have to depend on the advices i get from my fellow audiophiles! I think that the Acute is a relativly new construction from EAR, and it seems that there are not to many around. I have contact with at least one owner. He is very satisfied! My only consern regarding the Acute, is that the owner i know reports variations in performance when placed on various bases. This can mean that the transport is not mechanically isolated, or at least not good enough. Knowing that the trandport and the DAC is basicly an Arcam player, i am a little afraid that my Electrocompaniet will be a far better transport, and migth give an overall better performance if it is paired with a very good tube dac. So i am more into the Audio Note kit now, after thinking and talking to others. I am awaiting an answer from EAR where we ask mr. Paravichini about the transport part of the Acute player. I will be shocked if he has not given this subject any thought! Will keep you guys updated. Thanks for your inputs guys by the way!
I have now made up my mind and bought myself a high end Norwegian brand dac, called Dynamic Presicion (company has now been bought up by Electrocompaniet and will be launced abroad as Electrocompaniet high end brand. This dac has been modified with battery powersupply, new op-amps and som more mods. The construkction is a 10 year old design, based on a 18/64 dac, and is withouot filters. I tried this converter just for fun, and because it was half the price of my other choises. I can only say that i am deeply impressed! This dac, blows the internal EMC1 dac with solid margins. I have consulted people that have compared this modified dac with EMM Labs dac6 and Audio Note 3.1x and have preferred the sound from this 10 year old design! I love the sound of this dac, and have ended my search for digital upgrade for now. My friend have ordered an EAR Acute player, and i am looking forward to test theese to digital rigs in a direct comparison.