Trenner & Friedl Sun

Hi all, thinking about buying Trenner & Friedl Suns for a small nearfield set up, mostly analog listening with a Belles Aria Integrated. Has anyone heard these who can comment on them. I know there are lots of alternatives, mostly I am looking for the opinion of folks who have heard or own these speakers.


I had the Trenner & Friedl Suns on home audition when I was setting up my nearfield system a few years ago. I felt that the volume needed to be turned up to a moderate level before they came to life, notably the bass. Nearfield is close range playing at lower volume, which made them sound thin and undynamic. I feel that they are better suited for midfield listening (at least 6 ft), driven at a higher volume.

You should audition them and see if they would work out for you. If you are in the US, ask T&F's distributor Profundo ( about dealers in your area and options for auditioning.

Thanks mspot, that is very helpful. I heard the speakers at a dealer with two different amps, a Heed Elixer ( which is often demoed with these speakers) and a Leben 600. The pairing with the Heed was shockingly good but the Leben just didn’t work. I was about 8 feet away in a small listening room. My listening position will be about 6 feet away in a small room with very good acoustics. I would like for the Suns to work because the small form factor is perfect. Even Harbeth P3’s would be a little big but would work wonderfully. I will try to demo them but they are hard to get. Doesn’t look like many on the forum have these since there are not many responses

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