actually you accidentally answered your own question...
1 - this century is very stingy with masterpiece songs (which will go down in history) - most often fast food.
The level of performance skills of modern performers as a whole is much weaker than the 19th-20th century ... of course, there are individual songs - but they are few ...
2 - in fact, now this country is the world center of anticulture.
The consumer society is characterized by low education and general development. Example: natives who lived in the jungle far from civilization were given color photographs in their hands - they were not able to understand what they depicted! ... for them it was something like a leaf of a tree ... they didn’t see the picture ... they tried to bite ...
A similar process in society - there is no request for something complicated, there is no ability to evaluate the work, there is no dream (except for material wealth).
It’s like Hollywood - they can shoot anything, but they only shoot what makes money. They do not care about the education of the best qualities of man and his evolution. (that’s why we see a primitive movie with a lot of sound effects - only teenagers watch it).
... Unfortunately, this process is largely manageable - the owners of big money are interested in making the broad masses stupid - they are easier to manage. (but they themselves listen to classical music and opera - masterpieces of the past and present).