Rockport Mira not Mira 2 vs. Monitor Audio PL300

Anybody heard both? I would be interested in any comments / comparisons / rants and raves. I've heard the PL300s and not the Rockports.
No question, the Rockports. Monitor Audio is not in the same league as the Rockports.
Ummmm?-- No contest my brother--

Rockports ----- MA Light years distant-mainly backwards!

Go hear the'll be buying vs posting ;-)

Those Rockports are amazing....
First, I want to thank you for your responses.

I want to be careful here, so please bear with me....

I'm curious if general "knowledge of the brands" is driving these comments. I mean, MA's reputation is clearly nowhere near Rockport's. But brand knowledge may not be sufficient in this case. Or then again, it might be!

Specifically, have you (Kennyt, Cmalak, Team212, Jfrech) had the opportunity to hear the $11,000 Monitor Audio PL300? It is supposed to be a much better performer than anything else M.A. has released previously. The British mag "What HiFi" said:

"The PL300s are far and away the best speakers we've heard from Monitor Audio – and we can't think of similarly priced rivals we prefer."

and the surprising statement:

"The PL300 are some of the best speakers we've heard"

I've also been told by several audiophiles that the original Rockport Mira is a bit laid back in the highs (one guy I have a lot of respect for said they are "colored, like Sonus Fabers") and I've heard the Mira 2 was a substantial improvement, etc.

So that is why I'm wondering if you have actually had the chance to hear both specific models in my little quest (Kennyt and Jfrech made it clear they have heard the Mira's). Thanks again for your helpful responses.
