zu audio Help

I purchased a used pair of pre-owned Omen Def speakers in fairly good condition I love the looks and idea of highly efficient loudspeaker I am not pleased with the sounds the bass is too thin and the midrange is quacky I use Rotel Michi amplifier with matching pre-amp and esoteric cd player I also have tube system but also the same poor result.

anyone have suggestions for playing zu speakers??
Do you still have your DC10Audio speakers? Did you use the Rotel combo with them,or the tubes? You really loved the DC10Audio speakers.How far from the walls are the Defs? Good luck .
Where did you buy the Defs and which version did you go with? Are they the latest version or older versions? Are they very different than your DC10Audios?Thank you
I wouldn't think Rotel gear would be a good match with them. This is probably your culprit.
