Seeking Amp / Preamp Upgrades


Hi All, first time poster but long time Audio guy.  After about a 15 year hiatus from being a responsible family guy ... I am making my come back to HiFi and putting together a system in what I would call the moderate price zone.  I am seeking some guidance/suggestions and any general opinions given the current environment on acquiring an AMP / Preamp upgrade.  In the past, I drove Vandersteen 2CIs with Aragon Palladium MKII Mono's and used an ARC LS12 (SS).  Current sources: ClearAudio Performance DC with ClearAudio Tracer Tonearm & Charima MM; Parasound Halo JC3 Jr. Phono stage; Esoteric K-05Xs SACD/CD/DAC; Innuos ZENith MK3 Streamer/Server.  Sonus Faber Sonetto V speakers.

Genre's are Classic Rock, Blues, some unplugged acoustic easy listening and a small dose of Jazz.

Currently using older/borrowed equipment:  Classe Audio CP60 Pre & a Rotel RB981 200wpc amp, sound is well, ok. Hence my upgrade quest.  I prefer a big Sound stage with precision and some warmth, have never been a Tube player, but will consider introducing them in a manageable way.

I am fine buying new or used and beyond suggestions, I also have a line on either an ARC LS17SE MKII (Tube) or a PS Audio BHK Signature (Hybrid) both used.  Any thoughts or views on either of them would be appreciated.  Sorry for the long and winding road here but Finally ... AMP selection- I am struggling in the current landscape of choices, so guidance on pairing with a Preamp & placing one into the system I have reassembled here would be most helpful.   Many thanks, hifi63nc.


Thanks for that recommendation- at that price level, it is seriously worth a shot and seems like a lay up for a backup or second system one day.  Also, I am somewhat familiar with John Curl products, so worth a read for sure.  Another Amp that I just come across are the Audio by Van Alstine DVA M225 Monoblock's.  Anyone have any familiarity with AVA?  

Have you considered an integrated amp?  Many good choices, both new and used, at your combined budget.  The delta between them and separates is much less than it used to be.

This is a bit of a different option, but you could buy a used McCormack DNA-1 amp for $1200 or less and have Steve McCormack do his full upgrades and be around $4k and a SOTA amp (he’s got my 0.5 RevA in for full mods now). Add a Linear Tube Audio MZ2 preamp with LPS+ power supply and remote for $2160 and you’ll have a pretty darn good pre/amp combo under budget that’ll excel at 3D imaging/big soundstage with a slight bit of warmth from the pre and amp just as you’re looking for. BTW, my DNA 0.5 is due back in mid August and I just received an MZ2 I’m going to use as both a headphone amp and pre in my main system and will share impressions if you have that much time to wait. So, I’m looking for the same things you are and putting my $$$ where my mouth is. My previous pre/amp combo was the 0.5 RevA with a Bryston BP-6 that I really liked, so this new pairing will have its work cut out for it to make me happy. 🤞🤞🤞  BTW, here’s a link to a DNA-1 that you can probably get for around $1000 if you’re a good negotiator…

Having owned and sold one unless you are planning on a fully balanced amp I would avoid the BHK Preamp.  

@yyzsantabarbara thank you very much for sharing your experiences.

I like your approach to preamps, that they should be neutral and transparent. When I had a basic DAC I used a tube preamp to give a holographic warm effect. Then I bought a Musician Aquarius DAC and it sounds wonderful direct through the amp. No need to color the sound or add any effects to it.

I have a question about the Benchmark LA4/HPA4 preamps. Does the preamp enhance anything in the sound stage in your system like 3D, clarity, separation ..etc? Or is it just a wire with a volume knob? In other words if the Benchmark AHB2 had a volume knob would you still use the LA4 preamp?

I read here: "Removing the LA4 from the signal path produced a noticeable difference in the sound, and not for the better."

You wrote here : "I am talking with someone who is auditioning a LA4 with a $10K mostly neutral DAC. He said that the LA4 and the DAC were a great combo but the DAC direct to amp was slightly better."

A question about the Peachtree Nova please :)

You wrote here: "I tried an all-Benchmark system with the LS50, a LA4 preamp, DAC3B, and AHB2 amp ($6500 total and small form factor). This was so much better than the Nova 150."

I have an older Nova and as a power amplifier (ditch the DAC) it wiped the floor with my Atoll IN200. The bass was so much better that it was like listening to a different song. Does the AHB2 do a similarly good job with Bass as the Nova in your experience?