Isolation devices and CDPs

Do isolation devices really work under CDPs (I own an EAR Acute)? If so, which isolation devices work best? And how/why do they work?
Willster, I had been using Herbies on the tubes on my Reimyo PAT-777. After putting it on a Halcyonics, I found removing the Herbies on the WE310s were now hurting the sound. I had the same thing happen within my tube output cd players when they were on the Halcyonics. I guess what is going on is that the Halcyonic is removing some of the internal vibrations, negating the benefits of the dampeners.
Hi Tbg (Norm), very interesting insights and no doubt correct. When the cost of the isolation approaches or exceeds the cost of the components, though... :-)

Curious if you've had the opportunity to try any of the SK Research shelves and blocks. They're out of Austin.

Hope to see you at CES.

No, Brian, I have not tried the SK Research shelves or blocks. I just looked them up. All they say is that they are made of natural wood??

Would that Halcyonic bases cost as little as SK Research shelves; nobody else would be in business.
I've tried quite a few different kinds of "footer" devices under my transport and the best that works for me are the roller ball style. Pick one of the many types and try it out.

Bob, may i ask which roller ball type footer you tried and which one you prefer?