My Best-
When I was in grad school I built a Dynaco PAS3x and a Dynaco 70 over a weekend. All worked. I set it up with an AR turntable, Two AR3 speakers, and a Scott FM Tuner and it sounded great! I mean great. That was in 1967.
I used this set up, in different homes, for over 30 years. Never was I able to replicate the sound of that first room! I have since then used an array of "stuff" from
lots of very high end companies and never as good as the original Dynaco set up.
Today, I am stuck with intermittent internet radio and an array of gear that costs a fortune, but not as clear or musical as was the "Dynaco/AR" experience.
However, it has been a fun voyage. Met a lot of nice people! But the glow of the tubes at night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!