What's the best and/or favorite piece of equipment you've owned? And do you still own it?

My favorite piece(s)  are  (and I still own them) the Martin Logan Ethos lousdpeakers and Soudsmith Paua cartridge.  As far as speakers go, electrostats are my favorite and will replace them with another set of electrostats.  I'm currently eyeing MUR Audio SP1's.  These two pieces make my rig sound great.  

My Best-

When I was in grad school I built a Dynaco PAS3x and a Dynaco 70 over a weekend. All worked. I set it up with an AR turntable, Two AR3 speakers, and a Scott FM Tuner and it sounded great! I mean great. That was in 1967.

I used this set up, in different homes, for over 30 years. Never was I able to replicate the sound of that first room! I have since then used an array of "stuff" from

lots of very high end companies and never as good as the original Dynaco set up.

Today, I am stuck with intermittent internet radio and an array of gear that costs a fortune, but not as clear or musical as was the "Dynaco/AR" experience.

However, it has been a fun voyage. Met a lot of nice people! But the glow of the tubes at night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I did have some favorites over the years. I had Boulder amps, Belles amps, McIntosh Amps, Quad amps- favorite were the Quad ESL 57s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Had most of them at the same time in different rooms.

I was so confused as to which sounded better! 

But nothing, nothing compared to the original "Dynaco/AR: set up!

Oh BTW, "Dynaco" was the least expensive, of all, I ever bought, and a kit as well! The Dynaco amp was $89.00 and the PAS 3x was $119.00, plus tax , of course.

Am I getting sad?





Pretty strange that the AR setup was your favorite larryro2 after all of that other gear.