So what ever happened to Kinki Studio???

Wasn't Kinki Studio all the rage when they first came on the US scene with a quasi-US Distributor?  It seemed like there was no shortage of positive feedback and people who either owned one and were blown away or people who wanted one and couldn't stop posting about them.

Now that there is a new Distributor, why so quiet? Where did all the hype go?

Ive owned the Kinki EX-M7 for two months now. My initial interest in it is that it had Exicon MOSFETs which Ive known to be stellar for audio. I wasnt so sure about the DC coupled design, but was intrigued.

After an initial evaluation period, I ended up selling a Pass Labs X150.8, First Watt F8 and and Audion Super Sterling KT120 tube amp. The Kinki turned out to be an excellent match for my system that I felt I no longer needed my stable of amps. It gives me amazing imaging, sound stage, an excellent midrange and outstandingly controlled, refined, tonally correct bass. I absolutely adore this amp.

its currently matched to Devore Fidelity Gibbons Xs, Allnic L3000 preamp, Allnic H1202 phono pre, SS Zephyr MkIII cartridge, rebuilt Thorens TD-124 TT, Denafrip Ares II DAC and Bluesound Node 2i. 

i enjoy the M7 a lot.



Anyone in the US doing repairs/warranty work?

I'm going on 8 weeks waiting to have my US made amp repaired under warranty.