That last post wins the bs of the year. Who posted think that audio items have  a top secret in the design. That kind of design or re-designs does not exist yet and when the designer thinks in that way just patented as the FCL and that's.

The audio system of the person who posted: who cares? Several of his posts are full of that kind of bs information that never helps any one .

There is everykind of stupid things in the world, such is life.



@lewm I make you absolutely correct, there is not nothing really new, but there is a uniqueness to some items that is more than the sum of the parts. Hence, it has been made known there has been a thought out process for the selection of Parts and Materials and a consideration given for the machining at the interfaces, where different tolerances were tried to discover the optimum.

As for the Parts and Materials, I have been personally familiarised with all the items to be used, and have been informed of the preparations that are required to enable the parts to function at their optimum.

The parts are not my concern, neither are the tolerances selected for the  machining for the mounting of the parts. This is the designers only to share, if they feel it is an information that should be made public.

What really matters is that I am without reservations for the entirety of the product, as an assembled Tonearm in perform admirably. 

The flak towards another is expected, I see it used constantly, it is certainly a  common thread woven through most post is a Topic under discussion.

I will not let it deter myself from being a participant, as said I have mainly all Bespoke produced devices, it is easy to comprehend that these produce sound, where it gets more difficult is to explain where the level of SQ lies.

A description of a experience is better than an explanation.

At a public attended event where my entire system was used for public demonstrations over the course of a weekend, it proved during the non show hours difficult to vacate the allocated room, as their were no shortage of other guests with systems to demonstrate wanting to be in my room.

During the Public attended period, the demonstration room was never less than full capacity for a large proportion of the event, in the late afternoon a couple of individuals were in the room who had been in the room a few times during the day, and were keen to have a few of there brought along LP's replayed and keen to share in a talk.

I was informed by the visitors that they were a TT Manufacturing Company and were producing TT's in the 50K region and selling to very wealthy clients. There assessment of my system was that it was in their minds on Par with systems they have heard in the 250K region, and I had produced quite a impressive system.

A selection of the local HiFi Club, who have heard many high quality systems at dealerships and at events, as well as within the Club, have rated my system from receiving auditions in my home listening environment, as one of the best that has been demonstrated. 

As a system with mainly Bespoke Built devices, it makes it quite a difficult to system to explain where it qualities are in comparison to other set ups, it is better when the impression made on others are shared.

For myself, I know most there is a lot of what impresses, coming from using very adept, time served individuals, who are with skills developed in their specialist fields not usually encountered, it takes decent pair of Cajones to throw caution to the wind and commission a unconstrained design and build. 

I'll let the broader audience decide if the posts made by myself are off help or not.

The commonly encountered Dictatorship in this forums analog section, where a certain individual takes umbrage at most content offered, resulting in their spieling out their self obsessed opinions and unashamed use of insults is not very democratic.

It is certainly a display of a attitude that is Alienating and not going to be of any assistance to any thread participant or onlooker. It might just be degenerative and is without doubt discouraging to the growth of the analog section within this forum. Where is the value in that!!!   


As stated in the past, it is difficult to avoid a very clear to be seen indicator, that their are certain individuals working for the demise of the analog section within this forum.

As stated in the past, I have made it my business to steer clear of individuals who have developed a controlling obsession around this hobby, where there is a undeniable unsavoury character readily displayed, bolstered by the self revelation of the Insular and Skewed thoughts that are held.

In all forms of addiction the personality degenerates over time, where the individual is increasingly Disconnected, Compulsive and Unable to Self Regulate.

When crossing paths with an individual that is seemingly suffering from a severe case addiction and this type of metal health.

The best I can do when being inflicted by their condition, is forgive them and pray that they are able to find the help needed. That is the beat I can do from my end with my levels of Mental Health and Medical Knowledge.

There is encouragement today to inquire about ones mental health and discover if the individual one is concerned for is feeling Ok, and I am quite happy to be making this inquiry to a particular forum member.   

What I won't be doing, is to be accepting of this type of individuals judgement on anything I choose to share, all shared information is offered up, with the fundamental of being fair to all and constructive to the Subject under discussion. 

This is a attitude to encourage others to stay and participate and hopefully some more to join.