IsoAcoustics Gaia w/MAGICO


I plan to order Gaia I for MAGICO S1 Mk2.

MAGICO has closed back design with no bass port. There is no chance to listen this kind of tweak before ordering. I am afraid footers could worsen SQ because of loudspeaker’s design. MAGICOs reside on hardwood/concrete flooring  

Can someone share (real life) experience on this one?


@vule ,

What county are you in? Several companies in the states that sell the Gaia’s offer a 30-60 day free return policies. I have KEF Reference 5 speakers and tried the Gaia 1’s and decided they were great, so I kept them. Check out Crutchfield, they have a 60 day return policy and are great to deal with.

All the best.


I had Magico S5 and was surprised that non of the supplied mounting options in the Gaia set could not fit. Consequently I had to sell the Gaia.

I’ve Gaias on my Magico A3’s which are on a solid 3/4" oak floor. The bass response tightened up most noticeably, and the sound stage instruments and vocals became more defined relative to one another. If you read the ads and reviews for the Isoacoustic Gaias they surprisingly accurately describe the results I got from them. I thoroughly researched the Gaias and many of their competitors. I’m still amazed they lived up to the advertising and reviews as I’m pretty cynical, and when does that ever happen?

If money was no object I might have gone with the Townsend pods but they are pretty massive looking which can be a drawback if your speakers are in a living space. I was so impressed with the Gaias, I’ve now their equivalent pods under all my components to good effect. I’m guessing you’d be pleased too. I didn’t notice any harshness added to the treble response like fpomposo noted above.


Your experience sharing is much appreciated!

And yes, my loudspeakers are placed in living room too, on hard oak parquet.

Isoacoustics has new products which, I believe, are superior to the very good Gias.

The Aperta. They appear to be superior to the Gias and the Oreas. Seem closer to the Townshend Podiums at a fraction of the price. Instead of solid rubber between the steel the Apertas have a good amount of flexible rubber in a vibration absorbing devise. They sell them on Amazon Prime. 30 day return.