Low Frequency Rumble from TT between songs

I'm sure it's in the songs too but I'm getting low frequency rumble now that I've switched from Harbeth 30.1s to some large base reflex studio monitors. Between songs and on the lead out groove I'm getting a rumble at mid to high volume. Is that an isolation issue or something else. Table on a wall shelf, about six feet from the BACK of the left speaker, so I'm not understanding why this would happen.


Since all records have rumble prior to reaching the musical grooves, then it seems to me that you either need to repair the drive mechanism, or get a new turntable. I have a Technics 1200G and don’t detect any audible rumble from the turntable.

For me..I would not add a rumble filter.

It's definitely a low frequency sound wave, not a rumble, not surface or groove noise.  I'm going to try a suspended turntable just to see if that would be a potential solution. I

SPL sure builds beautiful components. I would think that engaging a notch filter would change the sound presentation. If not, why wouldn’t all companies have full time rumble filters?  This would make turntable design a bit more relaxed.

Just to follow up in case anyone is interested. The low frequency rumble is being picked up by the SET amp I'm using. It's in a weird bass trap spot. It goes away when I swap amps to SS. I'm plugging in a subsonic filter tomorrow to see if that helps and if there's a sound penalty.