What do you consider the most when choosing a pair of speakers?

Hi, just being curious here. 

When choosing a pair of speakers, do you consider design first? or the sound? or a particular brand? 

I want to say the sound matters the most for me, but my wife would never allow anything industrial looks or a design that goes against her taste regardless of the sound quality. 

What are your thought?


@arvincastro I do like that you track of your own taste changes throughout the hifi life. I respect that! As a music lover, streaming is just awesome for me. The availability of great music at finger touch, this is Hi-Fi life 2.0 for me. Maybe it is 3.0 for the industry, whatever. My point is, it is awesome to have that source variety. Do you think because of this streaming services, do you look for more forgiving, I mean, more versatile speakers are popular? Or people consider more measurements and DSP for their taste? It might be strange coming from a speaker brand person to say, but I love KEF products in general. I own many speakers before I became a distributor, and I still enjoy KEF LS50 W2 myself. I considered KEF Blade one, instead I went for a pair of Devore 96/O for a different sonic experience. I just love listening to a different pair of speakers like trying out different headphones. Sorry, kinda carried on. But like you said, let's enjoy music! 


Yes, I do think as streaming and digital files became what I listened to the most, I moved away from wanting the absolute “truth” from my system to wanting a more “pleasing” sound, if that makes sense.  The speakers I had before the KEF Blades were Thiel CS3.5’s…which were ruthlessly revealing in terms of source material.  Since owning the Blades, I’ve come to realize how before I listened in such a critical, analytical manner, where as now, I just sit back and truly enjoy…a different experience entirely.  Or, maybe I’m just getting old…

As for your second question, I never put too much too much value in how a speaker measured, especially with today’s designs where almost every reputable manufacturer’s models will measure just fine.  I think the big thing in the hobby is to let go of pre-conceptions, bias, stigmas, etc. and truly let our ears decide.  If it sounds good to you and it brings you enjoyment, then that’s all that matters...Cheers!


@poke33 Absolutely!! The space matters! I struggled with exhibition room at AXPONA last April. I think we did pretty well given it was our first time showing our products to US listeners. A lot to consider. As a good Youtuber just told me today, we need to be more scientific and clever understanding your own space for audio. 

@inna 6,656 posts??? Gee~ @twoleftears you two must know each other. You two are the ones that contributing the Audiogon's success. Yes, the sense of reality is important in this hobby and passion. Don't let the wild dream consume you. I am with you.