Looks like this is the thread for me. I am contemplating reformating a core duo desktop I have to use as a media center and was thinking of windows 7 upgrade, maybe I'd just stream netflix flicks w/it and therefore not need all the HD bells and whistles. Probabably no real advantage w/ this box as is.
Now from looking at this post, I realize, that more likely than not the cost of upgrading piecemeal would be more than buying a new box or evn laptop that was blue ray and hd nice sound card built. I'll investigate further. My box is basic. My projector, however is HD though I dont have blue ray thus far, so it woud be nice to wake it up a bit.
Seems it would be silly to purcace a new PC w/o Seven, and cost prohibitive and potentially frustrating (driverwise) to just upgrade, at least in my sitch. I'm going to check into some of those deals mentioned. It'd be nice if we could more easily install the mac os--but thats another story.