Phono Stage Amp

I have a mid-level to low end turntable. (Music Hall 11.1) and a low end decent Phono Stage Music Fidelity M1. Good tonearm and good cartridge. 

I listen to JAZZ so volume isn't too much of an issue, but sometimes I just want it loud. I have Cary Audio slp-05 tube pre and the Cary Audio mono block main tube amps as drivers

I crank the volume up just past half way and there tends to be distortion. Below half way the sound is incredible. The records sound better than the corresponding CD or, of course, DAC streaming.

Would upgrading my phono-stage to one with greater boost help me? Or is that half (my whole phono system) of my system as good as it could get?  


imhifiman: with volume halfway up on the SLP-05 using an Audia Flight CD player the volume is very high and no distortion. So, when I say volume halfway it is to my knowledge of the system which doesn't help you much. But at halfway with the TT the volume is 3/4 of the volume of the CD but with distortion. The mono blocks are the CAD805 Anniversary. 


mckinneymike: Pro-Ject evolution carbon fiber, I think, which came with the TT and a low end (I am assuming) cartridge is a Legacy. The retailer set up the unit for me. I checked alignment and the weight, and they seem fine.  

On a side note, I get fantastic results at lower volume. Strings and light cymbals or brushes on the drum sound amazing.... But I still suspect you are right. 


You need a minimum of 150 watts the speakers are low Impedance and low sensitivity. IMO: You have a amp speaker mismatch.
