Multi-Channel Integrated?

I was just looking through a recent Crutchfield article for the Best Integrated Amplifiers for 2022.  It included some explanations for separates vs. integrated amplifiers vs. recievers (i.e. receives conventional radio signals).

I hadn't really thought about it before and it's probably not worth thinking much about, but there are multi-channel power amplifiers and multi-channel recievers, but are there multi-channel integrated amplifiers? 



what does it mean when music gets distorted 

at higher levels? I mean at 85 dBSPL and higher

listening levels around 70 are great

THIS happens with either set of speakers irrespective of input source

had the integrated amp sent to manufacturer and they found nothing wrong

Any thoughts?



what does it mean when music gets distorted 

at higher levels? I mean at 85 dBSPL and higher

listening levels around 70 are great

THIS happens with either set of speakers irrespective of input source

had the integrated amp sent to manufacturer and they found nothing wrong
