What's better, one conductor or two conductors for an RCA interconnect?

I have a somewhat nice RCA analogue interconnect with one conductor, referred to as a coaxial Cable I guess.   But I see higher end RCA cables with two conductors and ground wire. Which is better?

Is better detail provided when connections are made with two conductors? 


Finally I appreciate the help. OK so you combine the two connectors before attaching to the RCA. Makes sense and I guess you have to mix them together.

At least the two conductors had a peaceful journey from the preamp and then all hell broke loose when they reach the RCA connector.

Blue , I believe is the ground connected to the Shell on both sides of Cable as mine have been done and recommended this way.

And the shield is out of the picture by stripping it back

Not sure why the hell every comment above made this issue so damn complicated

Great job holmz

I dunno @jumia - I needed an XLR to RCA and was not about to pay money and time awaiting a cable.

And it even sounds OK.

The soldering looks a bit rough, but once the end is screwed on, you cannot see it.

@jumia Specifically I was using Mogami Neglex 2534… 2x blue, and 2x clear, and the shield.


The Mogami is in a brown jacket, so that the WAF abides it laying on a brown wood floor.

I usually order from Markertech and use the Nuetrik ProFi (RCA) or their XLR ends.
But any supplier carries the stuff.
And Canare and others have the same sort of stuff.