Yes, the ether regen works very well. The question is, do you have the kinds of problems that the ether regen addresses? So many of us look to certain products with the expectation that it will "make things better". What if you have a very clean ethernet signal? What "improvement" can be made to a signal that is already very good? All too often, we expect an incremental gain from everything but if you don’t have a problem, how could a given product solve a non-existent problem. Everything isn’t cumulative. For instance, if you have 3 "units" of noise on your incoming ethernet feed and the ether regen will lower "any" ethernet signal to 5 "units" of noise, then we could agree that the ether regen isn’t applicable to your system. It doesn’t make it ineffective, in fact, it is very effective you just might not need the help. I loaned mine to a friend who has a questionable ethernet signal and he is blown away by the positive impact; lower noise floor, soundstage, dynamics, etc all improved and he (like I) WAS kindof a non-believer.
Is Etherregen the best I can do?
Well, that depends on the problem you are trying to solve and your budget. There are better solution but they are more $$$. Again, what is it you are trying to solve?