MAGICO Q1 vs dc10 Berlin SM

I was able to have both speaker over the weekend and all I can say is that MAGICO IS way to overpriced Berlin by dc10 audio was more open real and much much more of efficiency!! I want to like the expensive speaker but the sound has no life i have plenty of tube power 120W rogue audio monoblock!
It is public we dc10audio used a 3rd party for ebay for 3+ years. Now it's dc10-promos is dc10audio's ebay store for B stock, trade-ins, and are running a promo through ebay.

How about answering Carl's (M-H) question.

Jerry,Sold Magico Mini 2 just got Q3 sounds wonderful best system i have ever had by a wide margin!!
Mountain High, could you please describe how the Q1 was set up, what was in the rest of the system, how big the room is, and how you actually did the comparison? Did you borrow the Q1 from a friend or a dealer?