New Dedicated Line - Almost No improvement


Newbie here and electrical idiot. Just moved to a new to us house in Tampa. Before we moved in I had an electrician put in a dedicated line (has it's own breaker switch) which is 10 gauge and two Furutech GTX-D outlets - Rhodium.

When I hooked up the EMI meter in my old house, which didn't have a dedicated line, the reading was usually around 26 or so IIRC. At the new house the outlets are 89 usually and the dedicated line is usually around 82 - so not much help for the cost of the "project" and pretty noisy.

Also, when the ac /hvac is running the meter reads about 100 points higher (!) for both the regular outlets and the dedicated Furutechs. Not good.

Thoughts? Does the dedicated line need it's own breaker box? 

I'm also considering a line conditioner but wanted to see what could be done here. Thanks.


EMI meter is useless.

dedicated line ensures your amp has plenty of power and no other equipment on the line challenging the system.  Means that 24/7 you have the power your amp needs.  Maybe at low demand times with nothing else running, the old line was the same or similar.

I installed a new 10 awg line to my system.  I didn't have an obvious problem but now I know I don't have a probelm.  Did it myself for a couple hundred $.

Adding a power condidtioner will generally do more harm than good.

Adding a regenerator will likely be a positive, but will not fix inadequate power.

symptoms of inadequate power supply are weak dynamics and bass.  

You should feel good in knowing that whatever problems your system may have, power isn't one of them.

And get rid of that meter.  ASR has made people thiink that if they can measure a parameter, it must be the right parameter to measure.


I’m not an expert but if I were to go down this particular rabbit hole, I would look into battery powered options - potentially using whole house battery power backups from Tesla and others. Just seems a more promising route. 

Thanks All! My amp is a Primaluna Evo 300 integrated with tubes rolled. Power cord is a LessLoss entropic and also use that cord for my phonostage (ModWright 9.0x). 95% of my listening is vinyl. I also have a LessLoss speaker firewall(s).

What I have learned - which may be incorrect - from reading many threads and posts about power/line conditioners is it really depends on how dirty your power is. For someone in an old apartment in NYC with hair dryers being used all around them will have dirtier power than someone in a more suburban or even rural area (depending on those conditions). The house we left was at the foothills of the Appalachian mountains and we had our own transformer. I don't know if that helped or not but as mentioned the EMI reading was pretty low coming out of an outlet which was not a dedicated line. I think (!) this is why power conditioners make a big impact for some and not for others – depending on their system and listening preferences of course.

I've read more positive reviews about the Puritan PSM 156 more than any other (below $5k) and have been considering one of those but wanted to start with clean power to begin with so one isn't needed. Hopefully I would be able to plug in the Evo, phonostage and TT because I can’t stomach buying two of them – one for the Evo and one for the other stuff (and 2 of those would cost more than my Evo). I googled Running Springs Audio and not seeing anything recent for them and the company link was dead (unless a bad link). One of the P156 dealers has a 45 day trial period which is another reason I’m thinking more and more about one of those.

I’ll check out the panel later today and see what other stuff is on that side of the panel but not sure I will be able to do much about that – maybe we can move things around.

Thanks again. If I make any improvements here that are worthwhile I will update this thread.