A system for my college-bound daughter

UGHH!!! Usually, the thought of creating a new system would be fun, but it's my daughter, and this time it's not. 

Sources wanted: Turntable, CDs, Airplay Streaming

Cost: Would be nice to keep under $1K, certainly under $1,500 (true… that's less than the cost of a cartridge in my main turntable). Way less is fine and encouraged, but I don't want to buy her crap and have her go down the wrong road.

Why I'm finding this hard: WAF but at an even higher level (Teen Acceptance Factor!). She likes the way Crosley looks, but even she admits the sound is crap. Hmm, Peachtree might work. I used to have Peachtree Nova. It was overrated, but it would be a fine start for her. The only thing is that the one with integrated wireless would consume most of the cost, leaving little for speakers and a turntable (I'm sure I could get a cheap solution for playing CDs).  

Thanks for all the suggestions here in this thread. I am looking for a rather cheap but good player now because I cannot afford a more expensive one. However, I still would like to listen to good music of good quality. I think I will go for MartinLogan Crescendo-x because I like how it looks. It will fit well in my college room at asa miami college, and I hope nobody steals it. I trust my roommates, but we have parties sometimes, and many more people come to our place. I will try to keep a closer look at it and not let anyone else use it because it’s rather expensive for me (especially for a non-essential thing).

Inna +2

Nice headphone amp + headphones (Grado, Beyer, AKG) and pair of quality powered speakers. And yes millercarbon nailed it.