Need Small Monitor for Oppo 105

Oppo Digital said the Apple Mini will not work as a monitor for the Oppo 105 because it does not have an HDMI connection. I plan on using the Oppo 105 in a 2 channel audio system only (no TV). The Oppo 105 will be in my living room so I need a small but functional monitor that has HDMI plugs. What small monitors do you recommend?
My shelf is 14.5 inches high. The Oppo 105 is 5 inches high. The means I need a small monitor with hdmi connections less than 8 inches high. Does this sound about right?
Oh, that is small! I don't know of any monitor with an HDMI input that would fit in the space you describe. Instead of trying to find a monitor that can fit on your shelf, what about using a handheld tablet to control your music playback wirelessly from a home network?
I just auditioned the Oppo 105 and liked it very much. It is an amazing unit and does everything I need it to do. My monitor problem is also solved since I will replace two units (Ayre CD player and Internet tuner) with the Oppo 105. I plan on using one of those spaces for a 12" monitor so I will be okay. Thanks again for all your help.