Need advice for a replacement phono cartridge

So, the cleaners destroyed my phono cartridge yesterday while dusting even though I'd cautioned them against dusting my stereo. Absolutely sick about it. Anyway, I need to get a replacement cartridge so I need advice on one that is of equal quality or better. The destroyed cartridge is a Transformation Axia which is no longer made. Thanks in advance!

My system:

VPI Prime turntable, Sutherland Little Loco phono amp, Luxman L509X amp, Revel F208 speakers, two Sumiko S10 subs

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If the cantilever was bent by dusting there is a chance it can be replaced without further motor system ebuild. Any way, my opinion is have it rebuilt. No you can't have a factory job done so why worry just get the best rebuild you can find....

Man that sucks!!!!

A cover for your VPI would be a wise investment when you get a new cart.

solypsa, cantilever is gone, never to be seen again

rsf507, probably about $3,000

audphile1, yes, absolutely will get a cover


Anyone have any knowledge of Koetsu cartridges?