The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


Hello dcpillai - Chris VenHaus would have better insight on your query,  however to my mind and what I've done in my system is was keep everything consistent. I've gone with all Purple fuses. Think of it as a loom of cables -

Nutty,, I gave up on the Furutech Rhodium gtx outlet. The bass was good but the high end was just to smeared and brittle. I have a pair of Nola ko speakers. They have 4 tweeters per speaker. I'm using a Cardas outlet now. It has been in use for 6 months and at least a 1,000 hours on it. It's build as good as the Furutech. But it is copper silverplated with a flashing plating Rhodium. All my power cords are the Cabledyne with elGo silverplated plugs installed. This combo is very good with the tube gear and the Nolas. Very natural sounding. 

ball‐wheel - I found the the GTX-D Gold to be lean and lacking drive in the lower frequencies so replaced it with my AV Options Deep-Cryo Hubble receptical. It's much more dynamic, resolving more and musical. 

I upgraded recently to ARC 160M monoblocks, and set them with two Orange fuses, one that I took from my old GS150, and another that was in the Ref6 pre, where is  now a glorious new Purple fuse). I carefully installed  the two fuses with the same direction they were ( along last  two years aprox) on the previous ARC gear, with the S iinside and near the fuse holder top, and the R deep inside the equipment.

Instead of the wow effect I was expecting ( I know very well the benefits of SR fuses namelly the Orange ones), I got somehow a mechanical, 2D image, sterile and harshness effect. I waited for the system to settle down two days, I checked all raised cables, conections, etc. Everything on order. But no improvement 🤔😔

Not very convinced.., I changed both fuses direction. And unexpectedly, WOW, that's it! 😳. Imediate transformation 😜👌. All life returned. Huge and fullfilled soundstage. Focus. Tridimensionality, Dinamics, No more blandness. An almost unbelieveble transformation. 

In conclusion. Direction matters, a lot. And I also suspect that the fuse signal is reversed built on the 160M if we compare it with the GS150 or Ref6 pre at least.

Anyone ever wonder how a fuse can be directional given that they’re an incredibly simple device and identical on each end?